
This is my place to share information with you, the writer with a dream.
Welcome to Metamorphosis, where I’ll talk about all kinds of writing, go over some of the most common problems that writers have, and cover all of the misconceptions that I have heard from people who have always dreamed of publishing their work.
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This post is purely for the entertainment of people NOT in the midwest on this day of historic record cold temperatures. And, there are bad words in this post. Whoops.   Today, EVERYTHING around me is closed. Schools are closed. Federal, state, and municipal...

It’s National Clean Off Your Desk Day!

There's a national day for everything, it seems! I mean, whose job is it to think these up? Really. At any rate, today really is "National Clean Off Your Desk Day." While I'll admit to getting overwhelmed to the point of decluttering occasionally, there is some...

Why Do You Need a Literary Agent?

Simply put, the easiest part of getting your book published is writing it. No matter how many hours you put into it, how many revisions you make, nor how many years you put off getting it to a publisher — that is only the beginning.